Work has really consumed my time since the elk hunt and getting in the needed miles has been a struggle. I have had minimum available days to train, so when I do I must get the most out of it. Since most days won’t allow for over and hour I have been looking for opertunities to keep my body in motion. So here is what I do to reach my weekly mileage goals



Incorporate training into my worklife: 

my work schedule has been anywhere from 12-18 hour days 5-7 days a week for the last 45 days. Though most of my day is spent in an office the other half is in the operation that allows me to move and spend time on my feet. Here is how I do it.

  • utilize my stand up desk, active stool, and balance standing pad for 100% of my office duties
  • sit only at lunch or meetings
  • keep a high walking pace when moving around at work  
  • take the long route when time allows  
  • Help the staff in manual labor tasks when schedule allows  

This gets me in anywhere from 5-7 miles extra a day and 10+ hours of time on my feet

Incorporate more miles into my gym/weight training days

At my local gym there is an indoor track with a small side room that consists of weights, machines, benches, etc... so I skipp the weight room and head straight to this area. What I do next has really increased my mileage and allows for and ever changing routine. Here is what I do on my gym days: 

  • Run 14 laps high pace (this equals a mile) 
  • cool down 1 Laps with 30lb kettle bell farmer walks
  • sprint 2 Laps cool down with weighted exercises at end of the 2nd lap (repeat until laps total total of 2-3 miles  (pick various weighted exercises repeat each 3 times 10- 12 reps) 
  • cool down 1 Laps with 30lb kettle bell farmer walks
  • run high pace 1 mile 
  • cool down 1 Laps with 30lb kettle bell farmer walks
  • run 2 laps with body weight excersises between lap 3 times 
  • finish with 1 mile run

This will be a normal routine 3-4 days a week 


Home/family time training  

with 2 young one’s in the house a lot of days consist me sitting around playing with the kiddos. So I am beginning to use this play time as points to work in some core, stretching, and foam rolling daily to keep the the body limber and recovery active

Additional things I do

  • Rest days are typically dictated by family and work needs. 
  • long runs 1-2 per month  3 - 5 hours each 
  • During the holidays I will be adding some early morning and late night  runs and varied body weight exercises while traveling to main rain my cardio and strength